The Role of Emergency Dentists in Saving Knocked-Out Teeth


A knocked-out tooth is a real emergency and requires immediate dental care. You must see an emergency dentist if you face this situation. This may happen because of sports injuries, slips, or falls. You cannot save the blood vessels and damaged nerves of a knocked-out tooth, but the bones and tissues that cover the root can be reattached. Go for urgent dental care whenever this situation occurs. 


How Can an Emergency Dentist Save a Knocked-Out Tooth?


  • Providing Immediate Pain Relief: Dentists immediately cater to dental emergencies such as knocked-out teeth. Doctors will administer over-the-counter medications to fix your knocked-out tooth. The 24-hour dentist will diagnose your mouth before attaching your knocked-out tooth.
  • Store Your Tooth Properly: It is essential to keep the tooth that is severed from the socket alive by using these options. Patients can hold the tooth between their cheeks and gums. Place the tooth in your saliva to keep it alive for a long time. You can also get whole milk and store your tooth in it. You must reach the dentist within 30 minutes.
  • Implanting the Tooth: You must clear the dirt from the tooth before taking it to the doctor’s office in your mouth or whole milk solution. After analyzing the injury, the dentist will clean your knocked-out tooth and reimplant it. Dentists implant the tooth back into the socket, splint it with wire, and stabilize it with the composite resin. Root canal treatment is the only alternative left to protect the teeth.
  • Check the Bone Alignment: A few injuries may cause the teeth to develop problems because of the bone injury. In this situation, the root canal will take up to eight weeks for the tooth to align in your mouth. Until the infection vanishes, the dentist will call you for a follow-up every three months. 

blogpostchauhan.pngChildren and babies can also suffer from knocked-out teeth. This can occur during games or through accidental slips. In this situation, comfort your child and place the knocked-out tooth in the socket. If bleeding persists, ask your child to bite on the sterile gauze until the bleeding is over. 


Severe accident and injury cases must be brought to the emergency dental clinic. Milk teeth fall on their own. Take your child to the dentist for a regular check-up and follow-up until a permanent tooth grows.


Are you looking forward to fixing your knocked-out tooth? If yes, contact the specialists at Emergency Dental Service. The experts will locate the nearest dentist for you.

The Article "The Role of Emergency Dentists in Saving Knocked-Out Teeth" was originally posted Here.


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