Best Dentist in Emergency in Lynbrook, NY 11563 - Dr. Todd Kshonz


An unexpected dental emergency can occur at any moment. It can be daytime or nighttime. Sometimes a patient cannot wait for another day or a week. Patients require emergency dental care to sort out significant problems like severe gum or tooth decay. Dr. Todd Kshonz is a caring and emergency dentist 24*7. You can visit him by calling the EDS team or his office number, 1-888-350-1340.

Background of Dr. Todd Kshonz

Dr. Todd Kshonz is a D.D.S., P.C. and has his office in the NY City. He provides personalized dental treatment for your entire family. His clinic caters to urgent dental care treatments too.

You can get the following dental treatments and services from Dr. Kshonz:

  • Tooth extraction
  • Root canal
  • Bonding and Clear fillings
  • Denture repair and relines
  • Dental implants
  • Providing same-day dentures
  • Gentle cleaning
  • Crown and Bridgework
  • 1-hour tooth whitening service
  • Cosmetic dentistry

He provides all these services in his on-site denture lab. Even you can call his hospital number to schedule your dental appointment.

Financing Options Provided at A Caring Dentist Clinic

Are you looking forward to the best 24-hour dentist near your location? If yes, Dr. Todd Kshonz is your one-stop solution for all dental worries. At his clinic, you can get financing options like:

  • Cash
  • Credit Cards
  • His clinic accepts all kinds of insurance plans

You will get 24*7 patient care from the dental team available at Dr. Todd’s clinic. They will care to provide you with full details about any problem over call. Patients can schedule emergency appointments within 24 hours at the clinic. Most of you near his location can book your dental appointment here.

The reviews given by Dr. Todd Kshonz’s patients state his professional and cordial behavior. His office also renders dental insurance to cover all the expenses of patients with medical insurance. Patients with medical insurance do not have to pay anything from their pocket. Apart from this, Dr. Todd performs a thorough diagnosis of your discomfort.

His emergency dental services include examining the mouth, jaw, gums, etc. You can take his treatment right away. He provides immediate solutions for all dental problems.


Contact the emergency dental clinic in Lynbrook, ‘A Caring Dentist’ by Dr. Todd Kshonz in Lynbrook, NY. He provides emergency dental services within less time. You can book your appointment through Emergency Dental Service(EDS) by calling their team at their toll-free number.

This Article ” Best Dentist in Emergency in Lynbrook, NY 11563 – Dr. Todd Kshonz” is Originally Posted Here.


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