Is Coronectomy Worse than Extraction?

Sometimes there is not enough room to accommodate the wisdom tooth or the third molar in your mouth. This third molar erupts into your mouth after 16 years of age. The wisdom tooth that does not develop into your mouth usually the teeth is stated to be impacted. And when the wisdom tooth extraction cannot be done quickly, the dental coronectomy procedure is seen as an alternative to extraction. It can be done in dental emergency conditions. If there is an increased risk of injury to the inferior dental nerve, the dentists perform the coronectomy procedure. This procedure is safer for people above the age of 40 years.

Why have a Coronectomy Procedure?

Coronectomy procedure is provided for Urgent Dental Care to patients above the age of 40 years. This wisdom tooth extraction procedure is not for young people as they can heal fast after the extraction. It is a safe procedure for people in their 40s to minimize the risk of injury to the dental nerve.

During Coronectomy, only the tooth's crown is removed, and the root of the tooth is kept inside your jaw. This procedure is not recommended for people whose root and wisdom teeth are infected. An oral surgeon or a dentist performs the process. The methods to be done along with coronectomy will be decided according to the age or the nerve damage.

The wisdom teeth are close to the lingual nerve or inferior alveolar nerve that supplies feeling to your lips, tongue, and chin. In this situation, the emergency dentist will recommend getting the Coronectomy procedure. It will lower the possible nerve damage compared to the wisdom tooth extraction. If the process is not performed correctly, then the severe damage can be done to IAN and LN, which further results into:

·    Speaking difficulties

·    Loss of taste

·    Odd sensations in your lower teeth, lip, chin, or the lower jaw

·    Difficulty in chewing

So, Coronectomy is the only procedure that will help aver any chances of injury to IAN or LN nerves. It helps prevent neurological damage when roots are near the IAN. Extraction can be an answer in a few cases, but not always when the third molar is impacted.

Call the Emergency Dental Service team today to connect with the right dental specialist if you face severe pain or impact wisdom teeth issues. Call us today!


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