Dental emergencies can occur anytime. Most individuals tend to ignore it, which could lead to permanent damage or tooth loss or might end up with expensive and intense treatment over time. It can be a teeth or gum injury, which may have detrimental implications. Therefore, it is vital to consult a reliable emergency dentist Dr. Anna Talmood as quickly as possible. Doctor’s Bio Dr.Talmood was one of the most prestigious students in the class and is a 29 years experienced dental professional. She continued to widen her educational opportunities in cosmetic dentistry, dental implants, sleep apnea, Invisalign, Restorative Dentistry, Surgical treatments, and Root Canal treatments. She used them while treating patients with varied dental issues. Emergency Dental Services in Fullerton, CA Dental emergencies take place all of a sudden. In many dental emergencies, you start experiencing pain and seek urgent medical attention. It is better to know where to go when such situations arise. Instead